The United States of America is a country located in North America, bordered on the west by the Pacific Ocean and to the east by the Atlantic Ocean. Along the northern border is Canada and the southern border is Mexico. The United States of America is the world’s third-largest country in size and nearly the third largest in terms of population. The major characteristic of the United States is probably its great variety. Its physical environment ranges from the Arctic to the subtropical, from the moist rain forest to the arid desert, from the rugged mountain peak to the flat prairie. The United States is the world’s greatest economic power in terms of gross domestic product (GDP) with less than 5 percent of the world’s population, the United States produces about one-fifth of the world’s economic output.
Immigration has been a major source of population growth and cultural change throughout much of the United States history. Immigrants make up significant shares of the U.S. workforce in a range of industries, farming, fishing, and forestry workers—as well as those working in technology and sciences. The United States provides visas for immigrants based on family ties, employment, adoption, special immigrant categories, and student visa.

USA Student Visa
By the records, USA Educational System has one of the world’s most standard and sophisticated courses. This one is the main reason for international students to choose America as their destination for better education. Official Federal Laws Stated by the government, run the education course in USA and it also covers student loans and grants.

USA Immigration by Investment
The economy of USA is ranked as a highly developed economy. It is the world’s largest economy by nominal GDP. There are a lot of programs supporting job creations based on the number and density of a job. There are also mortgage plans to help investors start a business and get a Permanent Residency in the United States. One of the most popular programs is EB5.
Latest News

New Changes in US EB-5 Program
According to the latest regulation publication of The Department of Homeland Security, the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program so-called “golden visa” costs will increase beginning November 21,